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I love to make things. And I love to express myself. 

It's a gift and a curse because... being expressive, visually stimulated and extremely imaginative keeps me busy! 

But it also helps me create things that inspire.  

Here you can find some of my favorite things I've made that have been a part of my "journey"... 

From branding videos to websites to photographic art-- this is where I love to play!

Women Are Rising

This is my Podcast and platform where we push the envelope and ask important questions. It's also where my story is unfolding as we speak... If you want to hear it or join the movement, check us out here!

Check it out!

Rock Your True Essence

This workshop was the brainchild of myself and Tina Paymaster. And this video was created by moi!

Branding Video

This video was shot and directed by Timothi Jane Graham and voiced by me!

Women Are Rising Trailer!

This was co-created with Christine Callahan-Oke!

Visual Art

Here's a collection of photos snapped by Dirty Sugar to express the "sick bitch" side of me which later helped me understand the demise of the divine feminine within

Here's a collection of photos snapped by Timothi Jane Graham that expressed the lighter side and the innocence of love


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